Subrat Behera
Subrat Behera is B.Tech pass out from NIT Nagpur and has completed Post graduate from IIT Roorkee.His area of specialization is Power Electronics and Drives and currently researching on "Application of power Electronics and drives and their control in Renewable Energy."He has 9 years of experience in teaching learning process.He has taught BTech and MTech students in KIIT,Deemed to be University.He is jointly working with professors from same university and other universities to study on recent innovations and the future scopes in renewable energy like wind.
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Post graduate
Research Interests
Power Electronics and Drives
Administrative Responsibility
Associate Dean,Training and Placement for school of Electrical
Awards & Honours
Best staff of the year 2017
Active IE Member of Central training and Placement: look for Industry engagements for internship and training programs and placement. MIEEE:-Member of IEEE. MIE- Member of Institute of Engineers SESI- Solar Energy Society of India IGBC- Indian Green Building Council Society: IEEE consumer Electronics
Outreach Activity
Industry network development and Industry engagement activities which helps in boosting placements.Syllabus has been designed in coordination with industry for various programs.
Kuldeep Behera,Subrat Behera, “Control Strategy Analysis And Modeling Of The DFIG With Indirect Matrix Converter In WECS” International journal on Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering(IJAECE) vol-3,issue-1 ISSN(online)2349-9338,2016
Kuldeep Behera,Subrat Behera “A Novel Control Strategy Of Indirect Matrix Converter Implemented In DFIG Controlled WECS” International Journal on Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research ,vol-3,issue-5 ,pp.1472-1477,May’2016(Google Scholar)
Kuldeep Behera,Subrat Behera “A Novel Control Strategy of Indirect Matrix Converter Using Space Vector Modulation” International Journal on Power electronics and Drives(IJPED), vol-7,issue-3,ISSNonl(online)2088-8694,2016 (Scopus index)
Subrat Behera “Application of nested topology of multilevel inverter in closed loop control of induction motor drive” ,International conference on Electrical, Computer and communication Technologies,ICECCT,22-24 February’2017,SVS college of Engineering,Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu,(Scopus index)
He graduated from VNIT Nagpur with the branch Electrical and completed his Masters degree from IIT ROORKEE with the specialization” Power Electronics and
Drives” in the year 2009.He has 13 years of academic experience which includes 7 years of administrative experience for industry engagement activities.He coordinated several industry workshops, Faculty Development Programs and training programs in association with industries.He has been instrumental in designing industry oriented syllabus in the area of Solar as well. Academically,he is currently pursuing PHD in the area of “DC-DC Boost Converters applicable for fuel cells ”.He has guided 7 Mtech students and several Btech students and holds research papers in the same area.