Control System laboratory

This laboratory course gives hands-on experience of the feedback automatic control concepts covered in the theory course. Application of both the theoretical concepts and computational tools while designing controllers for a given hardware implementation is the objective of this lab.This lab facilitates, educate and evaluate the ability of the students to perform analysis of feedback control system.

The key focus areas of this lab are motor control, temperature control, flow control, PID tuning, stability analysis, compensation design, time and frequency response analysis of different linear dynamic system. Students need to investigate, design, implement, and test controllers for a variety of linear dynamic system is the main objective of this lab.

DSO 50 MHz, Analog Oscilloscope, Variable Power Supply, Function Generator (0-1MHz), Multimeter, PID Controller Kit, Process control trainer, Linear system simulator Kit, Compensator design Kit, DC position control kit, DC speed control kit, DC Servo Motor Control System, Temperature Controller System, Compensation Design Kit, A.C. Servo System.

Using the PROCESS CONTROL TRAINER kit, we are performing the following experiments: Study of temperature control loop- open loop response & close loop response with P,PI, PID.
2. Study of pressure control loop-open loop response & close loop response with P,PI,PID.
3. Study of Air flow Control loop- open loop response & close loop response with P,PI,PID.
4. Study of ON-OFF control loop.

Lab Photos